Tag Archives: foreign policy

With Friends Like These

It seems to me…. “Middle East history is replete with examples of missed and lost chances to make peace.” ~ Richard N. Haass[1]. The Middle East has been a major conundrum for the U.S. since approval of the Balfour Agreement … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Afghanistan, al-Qaeda, Aramco, Aramco, Balfour agreement, Britain, Britain, China, China, Churchill, Deobandi sect, Donald Trump, Extremism, Extremism, Extremists, Fordow Facility, Foreign, Foreign Policy, France, France, Germany, Germany, India, Iran, Iran, Iraq, Iraq, Islam, Israel, JCPOA, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JUI-F, Kashmir, Kunar Province, Kurds, Kuwait, Madrassahs, Madrassas, Middle East, Middle-East, Mujahidin, Mujahidin, Mujahidin, Muslim, Muslim, North Korea, Nuclear Agreement, Osama bin Laden, Pakistan, Policy, Qatar, Russia, Russia, Salafism, Sanctions, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Security Council, Shah, Shi’ite, Soviet Union, Soviet Union, Sunni, Taliban, Terrorism, Trump, UN, Wahhabi Salafism, Wahhabis, Winston Churchill | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The U.S. Approach To Foreign Policy

It seems to me…. “Adroit geo-strategists take new realities into account as they try to imagine how global politics will unfold. In the foreign policy business, however, inertia is a powerful force and ‘adroit’ a little-known concept.” ~ Stephen Kinzer[1]. … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Americanism, Asia, Beijing, Belgium, China, CIA, Europe, Foreign Policy, George W. Bush, Globalization, Globalization, Henry Kissinger, IMF, India, Indonesia, Interdependence, International Monetary Fund, Markets, Mexico, Mexico, Middle-East, Military, Muslim, Narendra Modi, Netherlands, Obama, Renminbi, Secretary of State, World, World War I | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The U.S. Approach To Foreign Policy

It seems to me…. “Adroit geo-strategists take new realities into account as they try to imagine how global politics will unfold. In the foreign policy business, however, inertia is a powerful force and ‘adroit’ a little-known concept.” ~ Stephen Kinzer[1]. … Continue reading

Posted in Asia, Asia, Asian infrastructure Bank, Banks, Beijing, Belgium, China, Department of State, Fiscal Policy, Foreign, George W. Bush, Globalization, Globalization, Henry Kissinger, India, Indonesia, International Monetary Fund, International Monetary Fund, Markets, Mexico, Mexico, Middle-East, Narendra Modi, Netherlands, Obama, Opportunities, Policy, Renminbi, Renminbi, World | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment