Tag Archives: Pilots

Continuing Education

It seems to me…. “Community colleges provide higher education where people live, helping to build strong ladders of opportunity that allow people to secure a foothold in the middle class.” ~ Thomas Perez[1]. Our current education model with formal education … Continue reading

Posted in Arkansas, Assembly, Automation, Automation, Blue Collar, Blue-Collar, clerical, College, College, College, Community, Community College, Degree, Dentists, Donald Trump, Dropout, Education, Education, Education, Employment, Employment, employment, Funding, health care, Inequality, Inequality, Jobs, Jobs, K-12, K-16, Kentucky, Low-Income, Manufacturing, Middle-Income, minorities, Nurse, Nurses, Office, Online, Oregon, Pilots, Police, Public, Retraining, Retraining, Social Unrest, STEM, Student, Teachers, Technology, Technology, Tennessee, Training, Training, Trump, Tuition, Tuition, Tuition, Unemployment, Unemployment, Upper-Income | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment