Tag Archives: workers

The Challenge To Democracy

Recent challenges to democracy include a deterioration in the integrity of constitutional democracy, manipulation of state election laws to limit or overturn the will of the voters, and a global trend toward autocracy in places where democratic institutions have long prevailed. The U.S. currently stands at a precipice necessitating a long overdue course correction. Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 6 January 2020, Abraham Lincoln, Beliefs, Biden, Big Lie, Christian, Christian-Right, Christianity, Civility, conflict, Conservative, Conservatives, Conservatives, Constitution, Constitution, Democracy, disinformation, Dixiecrats, Donald Trump, election, Election, Elections, Evangelical Christians, Extremist, Extremists, Faustian bargain, filibuster, Government, Government, Government Accountability Office, hypocrite, Ideology, Ideology, incivility, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Joe Biden, John (Jack) F. Kennedy, John Locke, John Locke, jurists, Kennedy, laws, Lincoln, national politics, Nigeria, partisan, partisan divide, Politics, Postindustrial, Postindustrial, Progressives, Religious Extremist, Republican, Republican, Republican Party, republicans, Robert F. Kennedy, Rousseau, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Segregation, Segregation, Supreme Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court, Trump, Voters, White Evangelical Christians, Workers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Employment And Economy

The pandemic altered the workplace environment for many employees.  It is entirely likely that additional changes, perhaps not yet evident, have yet to transpire. Continue reading

Posted in AI, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Automation, Automation, Automation, Automation, Business, Business, China, China, college graduates, Contracting, Contractors, Corporation, COVID, COVID-19, COVID-19, cubicle, Economy, employee, Employment, Employment, employment, Graduates, hybrid model, Jobs, Jobs, Netherlands, Office, Offshoring, Offshoring, organization, Pandemic, prostitute, Technology, Technology, Technology, UK, Unemployment, Unemployment, United Kingdom, Wages, Wages, Wages, White-collar, Work, Workers, workplace | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Economic Challenges

It seems to me…. “We could solve all our problems if only we were the efficient, rational human beings of standard economic theory and had politicians willing to think in the long-term interest of their people rather than their own.” … Continue reading

Posted in Automation, Automation, Automation, Economic, economic growth, Economics, Economy, Education, Education, Employment, Employment, employment, Federal Reserve, Financial, Fiscal Policy, GDP, Gini Coefficient, Gini Coefficient, Gini Index, Gross Domestic Product, Income, Industrial Revolution, Inequality, Inequality, Investment, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Labor, Liquidity Crisis, Liquidity-Trap, Low-Skill, Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Monetary Policy, NAIRU, Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment, Obama, Phillips Curve, Post-Industrial, Postindustrial, Productivity, Productivity, Qualitative Easing, Recession, Robotics, Robots, Skilled, skilled, Stimulus, Technology, technology, Trade, Trump, Wages, Wages, Workers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Employment Discrimination

It seems to me…. “Discrimination is not done by villains. It’s done by us.” ~ Vivienne Ming[1]. As of April 2017, 1.6 million unemployed Americans had been out of work for six months or longer according to data from the … Continue reading

Posted in Automation, Automation, Automation, Budget, Bureau of Labor Statistics, College, College, Creative Destruction, Creative Destruction, Department of Labor, Discrimination, Economy, Education, Education, Employment, Employment, employment, Germany, Globalization, Japan, Jobs, Jobs, K-12, K-16, Labor, Labor Unions, Less-Educated, Manufacturing, robots, Robots, Technology, Technology, Training, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations, Wages, Workers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Employment Opportunities

It seems to me…. “We need to have a strong economy that can create employment opportunities and that can also produce the revenue that we need to defend our country at home and abroad.” ~ Bob Menendez[1]. Contrary to claims … Continue reading

Posted in African-American, AI, Artificial, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Automation, Automation, Automation, China, Computerization, Digitization, Economic, Economy, Education, Education, Education, Education, Employment, Employment, employment, Globalization, Income, Inequality, Intelligence, Jobs, Labor, Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Productivity, Retired, Retraining, Technology, Technology, Technology, Training, Unemployment, Wages, Workers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Employment And Automation

It seems to me…. “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt[1]. Major traditional … Continue reading

Posted in Agriculture, Agriculture, AI, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Automation, Automation, Britain, China, China, College, Computerization, David Ricardo, Economic, Education, Education, Employment, Employment, employment, Ethiopia, Farming, Globalization, High School, Income, India, Inequality, Inequality, Infrastructure, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Low-Skill, Luddites, Luddites, Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Middle Class, Middle-Income, Off-Shoring, Outsourcing, Pareto Curve, Research, Robots, Skilled, skilled, Taxes, Technology, Technology, Thomas Carlyle, Unemployment, Wages, Wages, Wassily Leontief, Workers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Wealth Inequality

It seems to me…. “No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.” ~ Adam Smith[1]. According to the Pew Research Center[2], more than three-quarters of U.S. conservatives … Continue reading

Posted in AT&T, Clinton, Economics, Economy, Education, Employment, Equality, Ford, General Motors, Healthcare, Housing, Income, Inequality, Inequality, Inequality, Investment, Jobs, Lower-Income, Lyndon Johnson, McDonalds, Middle Class, Middle-Income, Obama, Poverty, Poverty, Retirement, Social Security, Supply-side, Taxes, Taxes, Upper-Income, Wages, Walmart, Wealth, Workers, Yum! Brands | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Playing In The Global Economy

It seems to me…. “To ensure continuing prosperity in the global economy, nothing is more important than the development and application of knowledge and skills.” ~ Martin Rees[1]. Most people favor the concept of free markets. Many conservatives, while professing … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Economy, Employment, Employment, Feee Markets, Globalization, Globalization, Interdependence, Jobs, Jobs, Labor, Low-Skill, Markets, Multi-National, Outsourcing, Skilled, Tariffs, TPP, Trade, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Wages, Workers, World | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Economic Transition

It seems to me…. “We know that to compete for the jobs of the 21st century and thrive in a global economy, we need a growing, skilled, and educated workforce, particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. … Continue reading

Posted in Agriculture, AI, AI, AI, Artificial, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Automation, bookkeeping, clerical, College, Compensation, Computer, Disparity, Economic, Economy, Education, Education, Education, Education, Employment, Employment, Food, Global Warming, health care, High School, Hospitality, Income, Industrial Revolution, Inequality, Inequality, infrastructure, Intelligence, Internet, Internet of Things, Internet of Things, IoT, IoT, janitors, Jobs, Jobs, Journalists, Knowledge, knowledge, Labor, Leisure, Low-Skill, Machine, Machine Learning, Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Middle Class, Middle Class, Paralegals, Recession, restaurant workers, Retail, Robotics, Secular Stagnation, shipping, Skilled, skilled, skills, Technology, Technology, Technology, Transportation, Unemployment, Wages, Wages, Warehousing, Workers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unemployment Reduction

This has been a busy summer for Red Cross volunteers.  After a month in Florida following flooding from tropical storm Debbie, the western U.S. has experienced a large number of fires.  I apologize to subscribers for my erratic postings but … Continue reading

Posted in Conservatives, Economic, Economy, Education, Employment, Globalization, GNP, International, International Labor Organization, Jobs, Liberals, Recovery, Skilled, Stability, Workers, Youth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments