Why Dysfunction?

It seems to me…

In politics stupidity is not a handicap.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte.

Our political parties have fundamentally different visions of what kind of country we should have and neither is feeling sufficiently politically weak to agree to the other side’s vision; there remains essentially no room for independent thinking within the conservative movement.

There has been a move to the right in U.S. political leadership where measures frequently are discussed or proposed that would have been anathema to conservatives under the Eisenhower or even the Reagan administration. This shift to the extreme right cannot be characterized in any way other than as a development of a radical political movement that threatens the very stability and character of the U.S. as we have known it. Isn’t it time for common sense and reason to return to political discourse? The radical right attempts to label the Democratic Party as “socialist” when in reality, the Democratic Party also has moved to the right and now espouses policies more characteristic of the Republican Party not that many years ago.

The greatest threat our country faces is not external to the U.S.’s geographic borders, it is the internal threat from the extreme rightwing. There doesn’t seem to be any limit to their capriciousness. The goal of rightwing ideologues is to abolish social welfare programs most people consider fundamental to our way of life. Their obvious intent is to destroy our social and economic system.

One of the greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the rightwing to co-opt members of the struggling lower and lower-middle class and pretend they speak for them while enacting policies further enabling the super-rich. They’ve used wedge issues like gay marriage and abortion to alienate people from their own economic interests, feeding them a steady diet of malevolence toward minorities, the educated, and science so as to create a voting block of people so guided by hatred of the ‘other’ that they refuse to listen to rational facts exposing the lies they have come to accept and believe (REALLY listen sometime to what is being said by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and others in the rightwing-dominated media). Rightwing extremists have a level of anger and hatred not apparent in mainstream liberalism. A significant percentage of the extremely wealthy are conservatives attempting to take over the U.S. political system whereas liberals are more inclined to abstain from politics believing they can save the world – wealthy conservatives make political “investments”; wealthy liberals are more inclined to contribute to healthcare, education, and research.

It is an irrefragable fact that Republicans for some reason are much more inclined to respond to any hint of criticism by aggressively claiming Democrats only complain rather than offering any positive recommendations of their own. In truth, Republicans refuse to listen to any reasonable suggestion unless it originates from within their own ranks or is in total agreement with their ideology. They increasingly have become close-minded and inclined to even reject scientific facts if they are not in accordance with their biased view of how they wish the world to be.

The Supreme Court is neither fair nor impartial, it was packed by GW Bush with rightwing extremists. Numerous reviews of their decisions have clearly shown them not to have been in accordance either with established jurisprudence or prior decisions. (Even evangelical Christianity is not usually defined by the simplistic theology, cultural isolationism, and stubborn anti-intellectualism many Republicans seem to have embraced.)

Rather than the Hobby Lobby and similar decisions being in support of religious freedom, those decisions represent a clear abridgement of majority rights and beliefs. Supporters of those decisions say that if employees are dissatisfied, they are free to find employment elsewhere – that is not freedom of choice. Yes, I agree that “the First Amendment prohibits rules that trump religious conscience” yet that is exactly what this decision has done.

Rightwing ideologues claim that “the president, in a dizzying display of arrogance, simply announces his next bypass of Congress and dares anyone to stop him”. When rightwing political extremists consistently block every attempt at legislation, they have effectively abrogated their right to govern. Thank God for Obama attempting to keep our country functioning. While I do not always agree with him – he apparently still believes Republicans care about what is good for our country and is open to compromise – he at least is doing something.

That’s what I think, what about you?

About lewbornmann

Lewis J. Bornmann has his doctorate in Computer Science. He became a volunteer for the American Red Cross following his retirement from teaching Computer Science, Mathematics, and Information Systems, at Mesa State College in Grand Junction, CO. He previously was on the staff at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, Stanford University, and several other universities. Dr. Bornmann has provided emergency assistance in areas devastated by hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. He has responded to emergencies on local Disaster Action Teams (DAT), assisted with Services to Armed Forces (SAF), and taught Disaster Services classes and Health & Safety classes. He and his wife, Barb, are certified operators of the American Red Cross Emergency Communications Response Vehicle (ECRV), a self-contained unit capable of providing satellite-based communications and technology-related assistance at disaster sites. He served on the governing board of a large international professional organization (ACM), was chair of a committee overseeing several hundred worldwide volunteer chapters, helped organize large international conferences, served on numerous technical committees, and presented technical papers at numerous symposiums and conferences. He has numerous Who’s Who citations for his technical and professional contributions and many years of management experience with major corporations including General Electric, Boeing, and as an independent contractor. He was a principal contributor on numerous large technology-related development projects, including having written the Systems Concepts for NASA’s largest supercomputing system at the Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. With over 40 years of experience in scientific and commercial computer systems management and development, he worked on a wide variety of computer-related systems from small single embedded microprocessor based applications to some of the largest distributed heterogeneous supercomputing systems ever planned.
This entry was posted in Beliefs, Conservatives, Extremism, Hobby Lobby, Politics, Religious, Supreme Court and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to Why Dysfunction?

  1. auntyuta says:

    ” . . . . This shift to the extreme right cannot be characterized in any way other than as a development of a radical political movement that threatens the very stability and character of the U.S. as we have known it. . . . . ”
    This about says it all. Sadly this seems to be very true to me, and it frightens me even though I am not an American.


    • lewbornmann says:

      While I believe democracy to be the best political system yet devised, it Inheritably has weaknesses that tend to compound over successive years. Thomas Jefferson, author of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and third president of the U.S., might have been right when he wrote:
      “God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
      While I am unequivocally opposed to violence, it should be readily apparent to everyone that some correction to our political process is necessary.


  2. auntyuta says:

    As an Australian I can see great similarities with American politics and the way politics are going in our country. You describe the present situation very well and I would like to reblog it!


    • lewbornmann says:

      Anyone is always welcome to repost, copy, reprint, or plagiarize anything I write without asking permission. It always is a much appreciated compliment to realize someone out there took time to even read what I wrote; it is an even greater compliment to know someone thought enough of my rambling thoughts to consider reposting them, I normally am embarrassed by the generally poor quality of my postings so — Thank You.


  3. auntyuta says:

    Reblogged this on auntyuta and commented:
    I think this is a very interesting blog about the political parties in USA.


  4. Team Oyeniyi says:

    Lew, thanks to Uta I was alerted to this. Liked it very much. Tempted to reblog it myself!


    • lewbornmann says:

      Thank you. As I told Uta, “Anyone is always welcome to repost, copy, reprint, or plagiarize anything I write without asking permission. It always is a much appreciated compliment to realize someone out there took time to even read what I wrote; it is an even greater compliment to know someone thought enough of my rambling thoughts to consider reposting them.”

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I think the situation is far more complex than it is portrayed. It is easy to find a scapegoat for what’s happening, rather than find a true solution to a series of problems. One has only to compare the TV programs of the 50s to current programs to see the enormous social changes that have taken place. It will require great leadership and insight in order to cope with these changes and their implications for our future. I can only hope…


  6. Team Oyeniyi says:

    Reblogged this on Love versus Goliath : A Partner Visa Journey and commented:
    I rather like this quote: “In politics stupidity is not a handicap.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte.
    Seems to fit the Australian political scene as well at the moment.
    Lew looks at the shift to the political right in the USA and there are some parallels to our current Australian experience. Makes for interesting reading, so click through to read the full article!


    • lewbornmann says:

      Australia and the U.S. are not the only nations to share this trend as it currently is replete through out many nations as shown in recent European elections. Hopefully, this will be a short-term trend and as national economies recover from the recent recession, the pendulum will once again swing back to a more balanced point.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. rangewriter says:

    I couldn’t agree more. I just sat through 12 hours of a legislative hearing in my state. I was DUMBFOUNDED by the complete ignorance and inability to articulate a logical argument of most of those testifying. We are like a giant herd of Buffalo heading for the edge of the cliff.


    • lewbornmann says:

      Unfortunately, many people do not think logically – their entire “argument” is emotionally premised on what they wish to be true rather than on facts. It usually is impossible to reason under these circumstance. Where it is especially frustrating is to listen to elected officials responsible for the governance of our country who obviously haven’t any background or knowledge about what they are speaking. Some reject basic well-established scientific principles if those principles are not in accordance with their personal beliefs. It is apparent many people do not understand the difference between faith and science. Hang in there….


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