Tag Archives: discrimination

Progress In Racial Equity

The U.S. has now become the second most unequal developed nation in the world. It is unconscionable that opposition to racial equality in society continues to persist necessitating the need to create systems, policies, and structures opposing racial barriers that supposedly no longer exist. Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Housing, Affordable Housing, Bias, black, Black Americans, Blacks, criminal-justice, Disability, Discrimination, economic inequality, Education, Education, Education, Education, education, Education, Employment, Employment, Employment, ethnicity, gender, health care, Healthcare, healthcare, Housing, housing, Housing, Housing, Income, Income, Inequality, Inequality, Inequality, Jim Crow, Low-cost housing, marginalized, Politics, Poverty, prejudice, Race, racial discrimination, racial equality, Racism, Segregation, Segregation, Slavery, Slavery, Social Inequality, social justice, Society, underserved, Unemployment, Wealth, Wealth, Wealth, Wealth, Wealthy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Increasing Social Unrest

Acute challenges to democracy include a deterioration in the integrity of constitutional democracy, manipulation of state election laws to limit or overturn the will of voters, and a global trend toward autocracy in places where democratic institutions once seemed solid. Republicans have become a violent and vocal minority who do not want to willingly relinquish power.  Convention matters and complacency when democratic conventions are flouted is dangerous. Continue reading

Posted in Activism, ADL, Anti-Defamation League, Antifa, Arrests, Black Americans, Black Lives Matter, Civil Rights, Civil Rights, Civil Rights, Civil Rights, Civil Unrest, Civil War, Conservatives, Conservatives, COVID, COVID-19, COVID-19, demonstrator, Discrimination, Donald Trump, economic inequality, Extremism, Extremism, Extremism, Extremist, Extremists, Fascism, Fascist, Firearm, George Floyd, gun buyers, Guns, Inequality, Inequality, Inflation, insurrection, Joe Biden, Looting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, New York City, Pandemic, polarization, police aggression, Politics, Poverty, Poverty, Poverty, Protest, Protest, Protest, protests, racial discrimination, racial injustice, Racism, Recession, Recession, Social Unrest, Terrorism, Trump, Trump Corporation, Unrest, vandalism, Violence, voter suppression, Watts, Weapon | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Education Is Expensive

Several studies have shown that the revenue derived from providing free education would about double the actual costs of a college degree. There actually was a time in U.S. history when people could attend public colleges for free. It is time to once again provide cost-free education for all. Continue reading

Posted in accreditation, Accreditation, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (, American Bar Association, American Families Plan, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, Biden, Black Americans, Blacks, California, California, Certifications, China, China, College, College, college degree, college graduates, Community College, continuing education, Council for Higher Education Accreditation, Creativity, Credential Program, debt, Debt-Free College, Degree, Degrees, Denmark, Department of Education, Discrimination, Economy, Education, Education, Education, Education, Education, education, Education, Educational Assistance, Employment, Employment, Federal Student Aid, financial aid, Finland, Graduate, Graduates, Greece, Greece, Innovation, Innovation, Innovation, Innovation, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Jobs, Jobs, Joe Biden, John Adams, Morrill Act, National Association of Schools of Art and Design, National Association of Schools of Theatre, Norway, Pell Grant, Productivity, Productivity, Proposition 13, public education, racial discrimination, Research, Ronald Reagan, Science, Science, Science, Secretary of Education, Slovakia, Slovenia, Student, Student Debt, student loans, Students, Sweden, Technology, Technology, Tuition, Tuition, Tuition, United Brotherhood of Carpenters, University, Vocational, workforce | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Democracy’s Decline

Global freedom has continuously declined every consecutive year for over a decade. While democracy can meet the challenges of the 21st century better than authoritarianism, the promise of democracy must remain real and powerful and those believing in freedom must not only defend it but broaden its reach as one of the great causes of our time. Continue reading

Posted in antiliberal, Argentina, China, China, Cold War, Competition, Corruption, Corruption, Czech Republic, Democracy, Discrimination, Donald Trump, dysfunction, Elections, Fiji, financial crisis, France, France, Freedom, Globalization, Globalization, Governance, Honduras, Honduras, Hungary, illiberal, illiberalism, Immigration, industrial, Kenya, Middle Class, Middle Class, middleclass, Migration, Minorities, Minorities, minorities, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Pakistan, partisan, Personal, Poland, political polarization, Politics, Populism, Populism, Populist, Portugal, Rule of Law, Russia, Russia, Special Interests, Special Interests, Taiwan, Technology, Technology, totalitarian, Trump, Turkey, Turkey, tyranny, Venezuela | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ongoing LGBT Issues

The gay rights movement in the U.S. has experienced great progress but much LGBTQ discrimination remains. Those of us who are straight are the majority and need to help eliminate bigotry wherever or whenever it is encountered. Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Bisexual, Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA, Gay, gay pride, gay pride parade, gay rights, gender identity, Greenwich Village, Homosexual, homosexuality, intersex, Lesbian, New York, New York City, Roe vs. Wade, Same-Sex, Sex, sex discrimination, sexual identity, Sexual Orientation, transgender | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Irreconcilable Division

Americans are divided more than ever on almost every issue imaginable: social issues, race, gender, the economy…. It no longer is just Republican vs. Democrat or liberal vs. conservative – now it has become the 1 percent vs. the 99 percent, rural vs. urban…. White men against minorities. Climate change believers against doubters. Sex and race; faith and ethnicity. Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Asia, Biden, Bigotry, black, Black Lives Matte, Black Lives Matter, Canada, Canada, Central America, China, China, Church, Climate Change, Conservative, Conservatives, Conservatives, Defund The Police, Democrats, Democrats, Discrimination, Discrimination, economic inequality, Environment, Evangelical, Evangelical, Evangelical Christians, Firearm, Gerrymandering, Greenhouse, Gun, gun violence, Hispanic, homicide, Homicide, Ideology, Ideology, Immigration, Inequality, Inequality, insurrection, LGBTQ, Liberals, Mexico, Mexico, Middle East, middleclass, Montana, Obama, Obama, partisan divide, Politics, Protestant, Race, racial discrimination, Racism, Republican, Republican, republicans, Rural, South America, Suicide, Suicide, Suicide, Suicides, Texas, Texas, Thucydides Trap, Trump, Urban, Urban, Vietnam, Vietnam, Wealth, Wealth, Wealth, Wealth, Western International Order | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Trump? Good Riddance…

It seems to me…. “When one with honeyed words but evil mindPersuades the mob, great woes befall the state.”  ~ Euripides[1] (Orestes). The 2020 Presidential election is over and the largest number of voters in U.S. history have had their … Continue reading

Posted in Accord de Paris, Barack Hussein Obama II, Bigotry, Bigotry, Brazil, Bush, Change, China, China, Climate, Climate Change, Clinton, Coronavirus, COVID-19, COVID-19, DACA, Debt, Debt, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Deficit, Deficit, Demagogue, demagogue, Democrat, Democratic Socialism, Democrats, Discrimination, Donald Trump, DREAM Act, ECON-101, Economic, Education, Education, Education, Elections, Electoral College, Environment, Epidemic, Equality, France, France, GDP, George W. Bush, Germany, Germany, Gini Coefficient, Gini Coefficient, Global Warming, Great Britain, Great Britain, Hillary Clinton, Hungary, Immigration, Inequality, Inequality, Infrastructure, Infrastructure, Infrastructure, Iran, Jair Bolsonaro, JCPOA, Joe Biden, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Kamala Harris, Misogyny, National, Obama, Pandemic, Paris Agreement, Philippines, President, President Vladimir Putin, Putin, Race, racial bias, Racism, Republican, Rodrigo Duterte, Russia, Russia, Sexism, Socialism, Stimulus, Tariffs, TPP, Trade, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trump, UNESCO, Victor Orbán, Vladimir Putin, WHO, World Health Organization, World Health Organization | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Effectiveness Of Social Protests

It seems to me…. “When counterterrorist policies are used to suppress peaceful protests and legitimate opposition movements, shut down debate, target human rights defenders, or stigmatize minorities, they fail, and we all lose.  Indeed, such responses may cause further resentment … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, African-American, African-American, African-Americans, Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro, Bias, Bigotry, black, Black Lives Matte, Black Lives Matter, Charles Murray, Civil Rights, Civil Rights, Civil Rights Movement, Condoleezza Rice, Discrimination, George Floyd, Institute for the Study of Non-Violence, Martin Luther King Jr, Milo Yiannopoulos, Palo Alto, Protest, Protest, Race, Race, racial bias, Racism, Trump, Vietnam, Vietnam, Vietnam War, War, War, Women’s March | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Racial Hypocrisy

It seems to me…. “There are not ‘many sides’ in the fight against hatred and bigotry.  There is only right and wrong.”  ~ J. B. Pritzker[1]. I find it extremely irritating to hear the seemingly automatic response from some people … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, African-American, African-American, African-Americans, Bias, Bigotry, Bigotry, Bigots, black, Black Lives Matter, California, Civil Rights, Civil Rights, Civil Rights, COVID-19, Discrimination, Economic, Employment, Epidemic, George Floyd, Gini Coefficient, Gini Coefficient, Health, Healthcare, Income, Inequality, Palo Alto, Race, racial bias, Racism, Social Unrest, Trump | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Admit Migrants; Deport Conservatives

It seems to me…. “As legal residents, immigrants would contribute more in taxes, spend more at our businesses, start companies of their own and create more jobs. Immigration is not a problem for us to solve but an opportunity for … Continue reading

Posted in Bias, Business, College, College, Computer Science, Conservatives, Degree, Degrees, Discrimination, Doctor, economic growth, Education, Employment, Employment, Employment, employment, Engineering, Extremists, GDP, Gross Domestic Product, Healthcare, High School, Illegals, Immigrant, Immigration, Innovation, Innovation, Jobs, Jobs, Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Medical, Medical, Migration, Research, Science, STEM, STEM, Tea Party, Technology, technology, Terrorism, TFR, Total Fertility Rate, University | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments